What to Know About Wisdom Tooth Extractions

what to know about wisdom tooth extractions

All About Wisdom Tooth Extractions

The third set of molars, which usually occur between 17 and 25, are removed during wisdom tooth removal surgery. Our Easton PA Dentist explains that people have at least one impacted wisdom tooth, which means it can’t develop normally. You can avoid damaging the surrounding teeth and bones by having your wisdom teeth removed—either because an impaction has been discovered or because they have the potential to create problems.

Today on the blog, our dentist in Easton PA explains everything you need to know about wisdom tooth extractions.

what to know about wisdom tooth extractions


What Is A Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

Wisdom tooth extraction surgery is usually done outpatient treatment by your dentist in Easton 18042 or oral surgeon.

If an examination and X-rays suggest that your wisdom teeth are impacted or may create dental difficulties in the future, Dr. Moghadam, the best dentist in Easton PA, will propose this procedure. Wisdom teeth are not present in everyone, although most people have one to four.

The surgeon will make an incision into the gums and extract the tooth in parts or whole. Next, you’ll be sedated. This could be with nitrous oxide (laughing gas) or intravenous (IV) sedation. Dr. Boals, emergency dentist Colorado Springs, explains that we determine this based on few things. For example, we’ll take into account your comfort level, the intricacy and quantity of extractions necessary.

The Reason for Wisdom Tooth Extraction Surgery

During routine checkups and using dental X-rays, your dentist will monitor the growth of your wisdom teeth. If they’ve been impacted or have the potential to produce difficulties, such as the following, they may explore eliminating them: 

  • Infection
  • Tooth rotting is a common problem
  • Damage to the teeth in the area
  • Periodontal disease is a kind of gum disease that affects the
  • Bone deterioration
  • Loss of teeth

Even if you aren’t suffering any symptoms right now, your dentist may recommend wisdom tooth removal surgery to prevent issues from developing. Our friends over at 4th St Family Dentistry, dentist in St Pete, explains that with wisdom teeth, it can be challenging to maintain proper dental hygiene since they are in a location that is difficult to clean.

How to Get Ready For Wisdom Teeth Extractions

Before the operation, discuss any concerns you have with your surgeon. They can advise you on what to do in the days leading up to surgery and how to budget for recuperation time. They can also discuss the anesthetic that will be used and how you will feel following the procedure.

The cost of wisdom tooth extraction surgery is determined by the severity of the impaction and the number of teeth being removed. Check your benefits and cover with your dentist, surgeon, and insurance provider.

You may prepare for your healing by purchasing soft or liquid-based meals that are easier to consume following surgery. Smoothies, applesauce, oats, yogurt, and other simple foods to eat without chewing might be among them. 

Food & Beverage

Before surgery, eat and drink according to your surgeon’s instructions. Depending on the type of sedative utilized, the instructions may differ.

You won’t be permitted to eat or drink anything after midnight the night before the surgery if you have an intravenous anesthetic, so your stomach will be empty.


Medications including aspirin, Coumadin (warfarin), and Advil might raise the risk of bleeding disorders (ibuprofen).

Before having dental surgery, tell your doctor and dentist if you’re taking any of these or any other drugs. They’ll let you know if you can keep taking your existing drugs or whether (and when) you should stop to prepare for surgery.

For a consultation about your wisdom teeth extractions, contact College Hill Dental PA.

All You Need To Know About Root Canals

All You Need To Know About Root Canals

All You Need To Know About Root Canals

Root canal therapy from our Easton PA dentist aims to remove germs from the infected root canal, avoid reinfection, and preserve the original tooth. The inflammatory or diseased pulp is removed, and the tooth’s interior is meticulously cleaned and sanitized before being filled and sealed.

What You Should Know About Root Canals

Don’t be concerned if your Easton PA dental practice or endodontist recommends a root canal operation to repair a broken or diseased tooth. Every year, millions of teeth are treated and preserved in this manner, alleviating pain and restoring tooth health.

A soft tissue called pulp lies underneath the white enamel and a hard layer called dentin within your tooth. This tissue comprises blood arteries, nerves, and connective tissue that aid in the growth of the root of your tooth. However, a fully mature tooth may live without the pulp.

A contemporary root canal, performed by emergency dentist College Hill PA is nothing like those ancient proverbs! It’s relatively similar to a conventional filling, and depending on the state of your tooth and your unique circumstances, it may generally be finished in one or two sessions. A root canal is a generally painless and very successful procedure when done by dentist 18042. In no time, you’ll be smiling, biting, and eating with ease.

Root canal therapy provides several benefits, including the following:

-Chewing with efficiency

-Biting force and feeling are normal

-A natural appearance

Root Canals Explained

Trained professionals are the only ones who should be performing a root canal. Therefore, it’s essential to understand the facts regarding root canals before undergoing any form of dental procedure.

Is A Root Canal Painful?

A root canal isn’t any more painful than a filling or having a wisdom tooth extracted since patients are given an anesthetic. But, on the other hand, a root canal is usually a little uncomfortable or numb afterward and may even cause minor discomfort for a few days.

Signs You Need A Root Canal

A broken tooth caused by an accident or heredity, a deep cavity, or difficulties from an initial filling may need a root canal. In addition, when patients realize their teeth are sensitive to heat and cold sensations, they usually need a root canal.

There are several signs that you may need a root canal:

-When eating or biting, there is a lot of discomforts.

-Fractured or chipped tooth

-Sensitivity to warmth or cold

-Swollen or painful gums

-A yellowing of the gums characterizes gum disease or decay.

Can I Work After A Root Canal?

Our friends at Park Hills Family Dentistry, dental implants Lexington KY, state that even though you will most likely be numb for 2-4 hours after the treatment, most patients can return to school or work right afterward. However, avoid eating until you are no longer numb.

Cost Of A Root Canal

In most cases, a root canal is a cheaper course of treatment than a pulled tooth. To restore chewing function and prevent neighboring teeth from moving, a removed tooth must be replaced with an implant or bridge. These treatments are usually more expensive than endodontic therapy and restoration.

If you think you are in need of a root canal or want to know more, contact our office today.

Children’s Dental Health Month

Children's Dental Health Month: Tips For Your Kiddos

Children’s Dental Health Month: Tips For Your Kiddos

Your child’s baby teeth are vulnerable to decay from the time they first develop, which is usually around the age of six months. Baby Bottle Tooth Decay is a term used to describe tooth decay in newborns and toddlers. It most often affects the top front teeth. However, it may also affect other teeth, states Easton PA dentist. In certain circumstances, babies’ and toddlers’ teeth become so decayed that they cannot be salvaged and must be extracted by emergency dentist Easton PA. Continue reading today’s article to learn all about Children’s Dental Health Month and oral health tips for your kiddos.

Dental Tips For Your Children

It’s excellent news: tooth decay can be avoided! By the age of three, most children have a complete set of 20 baby teeth. In addition, your child’s jaws will expand as they develop, providing a way for their permanent teeth.

Keeping Your Child’s Teeth Clean

During the first few days after delivery, begin cleaning your baby’s mouth by wiping the gums with a clean, wet gauze pad or washcloth. Decay may start as soon as teeth emerge, explains family dentist Easton PA. The first four teeth of a newborn usually break through the gums around six months, while some infants do not receive their first tooth until they are twelve or fourteen months old.

Brush your child’s teeth twice a day using a child-size toothbrush and a pea-sized quantity of fluoride toothpaste until you’re confident that he or she can brush on their own. It would help if you started cleaning between your child’s teeth when they have two teeth that contact.

Caregivers should begin brushing children’s teeth as soon as they come into the mouth with fluoride toothpaste in a smear or the size of a grain of rice for children less than three years. Brush your teeth thoroughly twice a day (morning and night) or as your dentist or doctor advised. Observe your children’s brushing to ensure they’re using the right quantity of toothpaste.

Use a pea-sized quantity of fluoride toothpaste for children aged 3 to 6. Brush your teeth thoroughly twice a day (morning and night) or as your dentist or doctor advised. Keep an eye on your kids when they brush their teeth and tell them not to swallow the toothpaste.


Teething is one of life’s first rituals. Despite the fact that babies normally have no visible teeth, most infant teeth emerge about six months after birth. All 20 baby teeth will push through the gums throughout the first few years of your child’s life, and most youngsters will have their complete set of teeth in place by the age of three. The first four teeth of a newborn normally erupt or push through the gums around six months, while some infants don’t receive their first tooth until they are 12 or 14 months old. Some newborns may become restless, sleepless, and irritable when their teeth emerge, appetite lose or drool more than expected as their teeth erupt. Diarrhea, rashes, and a fever are not typical teething symptoms. Call your doctor if your child gets a fever or diarrhea during teething or if they continue to be fussy and uncomfortable.

First Dental Appointment

It’s crucial to arrange a dentist checkup with dentist Wilson PA as soon as your child’s first tooth develops. The American Dental Association advises that a child’s first dental appointment occur within six months after the first tooth’s appearance, but no later than their first birthday. Don’t wait until they start school or until there’s a crisis to intervene. Make your youngster feel at ease with appropriate oral hygiene practices now.

Although the dentist, like our friend Dr. Eastham, the best dentist in Grand Junction CO, will inspect your kid’s mouth and evaluate growth and development during the first appointment, it is equally essential for your youngster to feel at ease. To make the visit more enjoyable:

-Make an appointment in the morning when the kids are most refreshed and agreeable.

-Keep your worries and anxieties to yourself. Children may sense your moods, so focus on the positive.

-Never use a dentist appointment as a threat or punishment.

-Never offer your youngster a bribe.

-Discuss the importance of seeing the dentist with your kid.

-During this appointment, the dentist will:

Examine your mouth for any injuries, cavities, or other issues. If your kid is in danger of dental decay, we’ll let you know. Next, clean your child’s teeth and advise them on how to care for them regularly. Discuss teething, pacifier usage, and thumb/finger sucking. If treatment is required, discuss it with your doctor and make an appointment for your next checkup.


Fluoride is a mineral found in all bodies of water, including oceans, rivers, and lakes. Some communal tap water, toothpaste, and mouth rinses include fluoride. Fluoride helps make tooth enamel more resistant to decay. Therefore infants and toddlers who do not get enough of it may be at a higher risk for tooth decay. It also aids in the restoration of weakened enamel. Because bottled water may not contain fluoride, children who consume bottled water or unfluoridated tap water daily may be losing out on fluoride’s advantages. If you’re unsure whether or not your tap water contains fluoride, contact your local or state health agency or water provider.

Consult your dentist or pediatrician about your child’s fluoride requirements. If you reside in an area where the community water is not fluoridated, they may suggest a fluoride supplement.


Sucking on thumbs, other fingers, or pacifiers is common among infants and young children. Pacifiers may cause tooth decay dipped in sugar, honey, juice, or sweetened liquids. Cavity-causing germs may also transfer from a mother’s or caregiver’s mouth to the infant, causing tooth decay. The germs may be transferred to the infant if the mother or caregiver puts the baby’s feeding spoon in her mouth or cleans a pacifier in her mouth.

Keep Your Child’s Smile Healthy All Year Round

Need to schedule your child’s next dental appointment? We’re here to help them maintain optimal oral health all year round. Contact our office today and we can discuss more Children’s Dental Health Month: Tips For Your Kiddos.

Is Mouthwash Necessary?

Is Mouthwash Necessary?

Is Mouthwash Necessary?

Your dental health needs a proper daily oral hygiene practice. Most individuals have a healthy routine of brushing their teeth at least twice a day, flossing daily, and using mouthwash. Is it, nevertheless, essential to use mouthwash? Your Easton PA Dentist is here to help!

Do I Need to Use Mouthwash?

The answer is yes — as well as a resounding nay. “Use of mouthwash (also known as a mouth rinse) may be a beneficial addition to the daily oral hygiene regimen for certain persons,” according to the American Dental Association.

Let’s start by looking at what mouthwash works and when to use it. Your Easton PA dental practice has written out everything you need to know.

Why Should You Use Mouthwash?

For better dental health, dentist 18042 suggests using mouthwash regularly.

Mouthwash leaves your mouth feeling clean and fresh, as well as assuring you that your breath is clean. It’s also good for your general dental health. Mouthwash helps lower the number of germs in your mouth, which minimizes the formation of dental plaque.

When used appropriately, mouthwash may help prevent periodontal disease and minimize cavities if the mouthwash includes fluoride. Fluoride is also provided at your regular cleanings at your Dentist in Easton PA. This also provides us with the revitalizing sensation in some of the most significant dental advertisements.

Mouthwash isn’t necessarily essential if you clean your teeth twice a day and floss every day. On the other hand, most dentists strongly advise including mouthwash in your morning and nightly routines. Mouthwash may also be necessary for patients with specific medical disorders such as dry socket, tooth sensitivity, and xerostomia (dry mouth). Mouthwashes, both general and customized, might become an essential element of such people’s therapy regimens.

Identifying the Sources of Bad Breath

To combat bad breath, most people use mouthwash, and knowing what causes halitosis is a helpful first step toward treating it. Food, either due to the intense nature of the foodstuff (e.g., garlic, curry, blue cheese, sauerkraut) or because of poor cleanliness, is often the cause of smelly breath. Your breath will stink if you smoke tobacco. The problem may usually be solved by making careful food choices, brushing and flossing carefully, and mouthwash.

However, poor breath might be caused by underlying medical issues, which necessitate further caution. Some people suffer from persistent dry mouth or have comparable side effects due to their drugs. Specialized mouthwashes may be quite helpful in these situations. In addition, bad breath may be caused by oral operations, persistent sinus irritation, or acid reflux; in these circumstances, seek medical advice before trying to remedy the symptoms on your own.

What Is The Best Mouthwash?

Mouthwash comes in a variety of varieties. For the most part, a fluoride mouthwash is the most acceptable option and gives all the necessary advantages. We can help you examine your requirements and prescribe the finest mouthwash for you at College Hill Dental Group. Certain mouthwashes are the most effective for which people? Here’s a list of several you may want to think about:

  • Crest Pro-Health is an excellent all-around mouthwash that is also alcohol-free.
  • Advanced care: aids in the prevention of plaque formation.
  • Chlorhexidine Gluconate Mouthwash: a prescription-only mouthwash that has been shown to help with gingivitis, but it may also cause tooth discoloration and ulceration.

Use a mouthwash that has the American Dental Association’s stamp of approval, regardless of which kind you pick. The seal guarantees that you’re using a mouthwash that will help prevent cavities and periodontal disease, states our friend Dr. O’Grady, best dentist Denver CO.

How Should You Use Mouthwash?

It’s crucial to keep in mind that mouthwash isn’t adequate. It’s advisable to use it after cleaning and flossing your teeth thoroughly. Mouthwash should be used on clean teeth, swished about in the mouth, and gargled in the back of the throat. Then, remove the mouthwash and spit it out. It’s recommended to use mouthwash to conclude your brushing routine and leave it on your teeth and gums without washing it away.

Keep in mind that mouthwash eliminates germs on the mouth’s and teeth’ surfaces. However, it doesn’t deal with the root reasons for poor breath or dental issues.

How Else Can You Take Care of Your Teeth?

Some individuals prefer natural cures over swishing with a bottle of something. Fortunately, there are a variety of natural bad-breath cures that are easy to acquire or manufacture. These are some of them:

  • Rinses with saltwater
  • Chewing sticks made with cinnamon
  • Increasing your water intake
  • Peppermint, lemongrass, clove, and orange essential oils are examples.
  • Use apple cider vinegar to swish

The benefit of such therapies is that they are seldom expensive. So try out a few of these and see how they go!

How College Hill Dental Can Assist You

Each mouth is unique. Thus you may need a different regimen. If you haven’t already, talk to your dentist or dental hygienist about the best method to care for your mouth. At College Hill Dental Group, we are excited to assist you in better understanding your mouth. Contact us today.

Wisdom Tooth Extractions

Wisdom Tooth Extractions

Wisdom Tooth Extractions

The final adult teeth to erupt in your mouth are your back molars, often known as wisdom teeth. They usually appear between the ages of 17 and 21, at the top and bottom of both sides. Unfortunately, many people’s jaws are too small to contain wisdom teeth without causing other teeth to move. This may result in a range of issues and wisdom tooth extractions may be necessary. Want to know more? Read this information from your Easton PA dentist.

What to Know About Wisdom Tooth Extractions

If this occurs to you, your wisdom tooth removal Easton PA will most likely suggest that you have them removed via surgery. Wisdom tooth extraction is quite frequent, and depending on your situation, recovery might take up to a week. If your wisdom teeth are impacted, recovery may take longer. This indicates that they have not yet erupted from behind the gums and are not visible explains tooth extraction Easton PA.

The Day of Your Operation

Wisdom tooth extraction is an outpatient procedure, meaning you go to the surgical facility and depart the same day. You’ll most likely wake up in the dental chair if you’re given a local anesthetic or sedative during operation. If you’re given a general anesthetic, though, you’ll take longer to wake up and will be transferred to a recovery room. It’s possible that you don’t recall how you got from the dentist’s chair to the recovery area. Inquire with your Easton PA dental practice about the sedative options available.

As you recover from surgery, you’ll gradually regain sensation in your mouth. It’s common to have some discomfort and edema. There will be blood in your mouth on the first day of recovery. You may use an ice pack on your face right away if you want to. You’ll also be given directions on when and how to take drugs, whether they’re prescription or over-the-counter pain relievers. Having someone else drive you home is a good idea, if not a need. Your dentist may insist on it, particularly if you’re having general anesthesia and won’t be able to drive for a long time.

After surgery, you may consume soft meals but avoid alcohol, caffeine, smoking and drinking with a straw.

Long-Term Remission

Most patients recover completely after wisdom tooth surgery in three to four days. It might take a week to recuperate if your teeth were impacted or came in at an uncomfortable angle.

Because the wound left behind after surgery may not heal fully for months, an infection might develop weeks after surgery. Take care of yourself and be aware of any warning signals.

The day following surgery, you may resume regular daily activities, but avoid any action that might dislodge your sutures or the blood clot covering your incision.

After the wisdom teeth removal, some swelling, discomfort, and bleeding are expected. If the pain or bleeding is extreme, contact your dentist right once.

By the third day following surgery, your symptoms should have significantly improved. Within a week following surgery, all discomfort and bleeding should be gone.

Fever medicine is ineffective at relieving discomfort, swelling that worsens over time, numbness, and blood or pus coming out of your nose that won’t stop flowing when the gauze is placed over it and pressure is applied.

Care At Home

To minimize infections and problems, you must take proper care of your mouth when you come home. After surgery, your dentist or oral surgeon will give you specific advice on how to clean and preserve your mouth. This may be the only time your dentist advises you to skip brushing, rinse, or floss for the whole day.

Cleaning instructions are often given as follows: To keep the wound clean, rinse it with salt water. Rinse without spitting out the water. Instead, place your lips over the sink and let the water drain. To absorb excess blood, dab the wound gently with gauze.

After surgery, you should be able to resume your routine within a day or two. Next week, take caution not to dislodge your blood clot or sutures. The blood over your wisdom teeth hole, like any scab, covers and cures the wound. A dry socket is what occurs when this happens. A dry socket may occur in any or all of the wound holes.

During your rehabilitation, you should avoid the following activities: anything that might cause a blood clot or dislodge your sutures, such as smoking, spitting, or drinking through a straw

Management of Pain

Our friend, Grand Junction Dentist, Dr. Helgerson, states that using ice and taking pain medication are the two most common strategies to manage pain and minimize swelling. Inquire with your dentist about how frequently you should use an ice pack on your face. Avoid putting ice straight on your face to avoid ice burn. They’ll also tell you if you should take prescription or over-the-counter drugs.

You may also be prescribed medicines to help you heal. This is to avoid illnesses when your mouth is susceptible to bacteria. Make sure you finish the antibiotic treatment prescribed by your dentist.

Foods to Eat and Stay Away From

It’s critical to stay hydrated and eat healthily throughout recovery, even if you don’t have much of an appetite right after surgery. Inquire with your doctor about what you may eat throughout the first several days of your recovery. Consider simple foods to take without much chewing and won’t mess up your blood clot or sutures.

To begin, start with highly soft foods, such as soups, mashed potatoes, and smoothies with cottage cheese and apple sauce

When eating, stay away from a meal that is excessively hot and might burn the operation site,

drinking through a straw or slurping from a spoon too violently might dislodge a blood clot or damage sutures.

When you’re ready, gradually increase your intake of heartier foods.

Surgery to remove wisdom teeth typically takes three days to recover from, but it might take up to a week or more. To assist recovery and avoid infection, you must follow your dentist’s at-home care guidelines.

If you have any questions or concerns contact our office.

When to See Your Easton PA Dentist

When to See Your Easton PA Dentist

When to See Your Easton PA Dentist

Dentists and hygienists do much more than just clean teeth and treat cavities. So, if you’re having pain or discomfort between your bi-annual dental checkups, contact your dentist Wilson PA to make an appointment as soon as possible.

When Should You Go To the Dentist?

These symptoms should be taken seriously as warning indicators that you should consult a family dentist Easton PA.

Swelling and Pain

If you experience persistent pain or swelling in your teeth or gums, it might be an indication of a variety of problems, and you should see your Easton PA Dentist to check for infection or gum disease. However, it’s not normal to experience lingering agony, and you don’t have to accept it. Even if the discomfort goes gone at some time, the underlying issue may still exist.

Gum Issues

Your gums may need just as much care as your teeth at times. Make an appointment with your emergency dentist 18042 if your gums seem to be:

-Inflamed or puffy skin

-Swollen and spongy in feel

-Instead of pink, they become bluish-red

-If there is pus or a stench

The dentist will look for signs of gum disease and possibly plaque pockets.

Teeth With White Spots

These are signs of early tooth decay, and if discovered early enough, the decay process may be stopped even before a cavity appears.

Dental Work Issues

Even with the strength of fillings, crowns, implants, and other dental treatments, we may loosen the fixtures in our mouths with everything we chew. So if any of your dental work seems loose, crooked, or odd in any way, see your dentist right once to avoid more problems.

Color or Texture Change

Check with your dentist if anything odd happened to the color or texture of your mouth. This includes persistent white or red spots or lumps emerging where there were none before.

Increased Heat and Cold Sensitivity

When decay progresses through the enamel to the core of the tooth, it might cause new sensitivity to specific foods or temperatures, and the sooner you treat a cavity, the better. Sensitivity might indicate a variety of issues, including tooth grinding or a faulty filling, explains our friend, Dr. Neda, Georgetown KY dentist.

Bad Breath That Doesn’t Go Away

If brushing twice a day, flossing every day, and other oral hygiene measures aren’t helping your breath, you may have a more severe issue. Whether you have a foul breath as a symptom or as a personal problem, your dentist may be able to provide you with tailored advice.

Chewing or Swallowing Difficulties

This is not normal, and you should avoid exacerbating the situation by only eating soft foods or drinking liquids until you visit a dentist.

Jaw Issues

An uneven bite, popping when you chew, or soreness when you shut your jaw is more than simply bothersome; it might develop into a more severe problem if left untreated. Your dentist may assist you or may be able to refer you to an orthodontist who can.

Sores That Don’t Go Away

Mouth sores may result from biting your tongue or cheek, as well as eating a fruit that doesn’t agree with you. However, if they remain in your mouth for a week or more, you should seek advice from a dentist. Canker sores, cold sores, leukoplakia, and candidiasis are symptoms of a significant issue that may be traced back to a virus or infection.

Your oral health is crucial to your overall health. If you wouldn’t allow a chronic condition to go untreated in the rest of your body, start treating your mouth with the care and attention it needs. If you have any concerns, contact us today.

Types of Tooth Pain

Types of Tooth Pain

Types of Tooth Pain

Nothing may ruin your day more than a toothache. Unfortunately, toothaches are one of the most prevalent dental problems, resulting in millions of emergency room visits each year. The good news is that most tooth pain is caused by easily curable issues that may be resolved with the aid of a Easton PA Dentist. Below are different types of tooth pain and what each of them may mean.

Different Kinds of Tooth Pain 

Dental care Easton PA can assist you if you have dental discomfort and are unsure of what to do. We’ll go over five different forms of tooth pain and their severity levels, as well as what your pain could be telling you, what you can do to relieve your discomfort, and when you should contact Emergency Dentist College Hill PA.

Tooth Sensitivity (Level 1)

What It’s Like

Tooth sensitivity is a prevalent kind of tooth discomfort that may occur abruptly or be a long-term problem for some people. Tooth sensitivity occurs when your teeth are exposed to cold or extremely hot meals or beverages. The discomfort is usually intense and happens as soon as food or drink comes into contact with the surface of your teeth. The pain might disappear in a matter of seconds or continue for hours, indicating a significant condition.

What Does It Mean?

Tooth sensitivity is often associated with weaker enamel or retreating gumlines. If you see your dentist Forks Township PA regularly and notice dental sensitivity, it might be due to enamel degradation; however, significant tooth sensitivity could indicate severe tooth decay or a broken tooth with exposed tooth roots.

What Should You Do?

Switching your toothpaste to one developed for sensitive teeth might assist with moderate tooth discomfort. Your dentist can advise you on the best course of action. It’s also a good idea to stay away from hot and cold meals and drinks to keep your discomfort at bay. Acidic meals may also aggravate sensitivity discomfort by worsening enamel deterioration.

A Dull Ache (Level 2)

What It’s Like

The sensation is similar to that of a toothache. The pain might range from mild to severe, but it always feels like a dull ache in a single tooth, many teeth, or down into your jaw. These toothaches come and go, but since they are connected to a more severe tooth disease, they will not disappear until you see your dentist.

What Does It Mean?

A dull discomfort might indicate anything as simple as a piece of food lodged in your tooth, or it could mean that you have dental rot. If you have a dull discomfort in the back of your mouth, it might be the result of your wisdom teeth erupting, or it could be a sign of nightly bruxism. A dull aching accompanied by a sensation of pressure in your teeth while biting down might indicate the formation of an abscess.

What Should You Do?

To get rid of any sticky food, floss and clean your teeth thoroughly first. It’s time to see your dentist if your pain continues if you find a pattern in your pains, such as waking up with discomfort every morning.

Sharp Tooth Pain (Level 3)

What It’s Like

When your problem tooth comes into contact with other teeth or a food item while biting down, severe pain might develop. The difference between this sort of pain and an aching or throbbing feeling is the first, extremely acute pain that causes toothache. You may not even feel chronic pain in certain circumstances; instead, you may only feel it when you bite down the “wrong way.”

What Does It Mean?

A strong ache can typically be traced to a single tooth and indicates that it has been damaged; when you run your tongue over it, you may feel a chipped or fractured component of your tooth. Your teeth may be fractured in certain circumstances, but you won’t be able to detect the fracture by merely glancing in the mirror. Intense discomfort in a tooth with a filling or crown might indicate a problem with the restoration.

What Should You Do?

Even though the severe pain doesn’t appear to stay, this sort of discomfort necessitates a dental checkup. A damaged tooth may rapidly deteriorate, requiring what might have been a simple filling to become a dental crown. Worse, a broken tooth may shatter entirely with less force than you would expect.

Throbbing Tooth Pain (Level 4)

What It’s Like

A throbbing toothache is excruciatingly unpleasant and aggravating. This sort of pain may strike quickly or develop over time, progressing from a sharp ache to a throbbing agony. The throbbing feeling might be localized to one or more teeth, or it could extend across your jaw or even your side of the face. Your gums could also seem swollen and red.

What Does It Mean?

Severe, throbbing tooth pain should be taken seriously. A fractured tooth or extensive gum disease (periodontitis) that has exposed your tooth’s roots or nerves might be the reason. In addition, untreated dental decay may wear away your enamel to the point where the pulp layer of your tooth is exposed.

What Should You Do?

While you may relieve the pain with over-the-counter medicines and hot or cold compresses, this sort of toothache should never be neglected. It’s critical to get assistance from your dentist right away. 

Extreme or Debilitating Tooth Pain (Level 5)

What It’s Like

If not treated right away, a throbbing toothache may swiftly evolve into intense, agonizing dental pain. This Level 5 toothache may make you feel disoriented, nauseous, and unable to concentrate on anything other than how painful your tooth is. You may even feel compelled to seek treatment in an emergency room.

What Does It Mean?

Dr. Eastham, dentist Grand Junction CO, states that extreme or incapacitating pain may be caused by various issues, ranging from accidental tooth damage to tooth fracturing and exposing the pulp layer and nerves. There’s a good possibility you’ve developed an abscess if you’re also experiencing uncomfortable pressure or face swelling. Oral infections, such as an abscess, are exceedingly dangerous.

What Should You Do?

If your dentist’s office is open, contact him or her right away. However, if you’re outside of your dentist’s office hours, your pain is unbearable, you should go to the emergency room.

Make an appointment with College Hill Dental Group to get rid of your tooth discomfort for good.

It’s a good idea to see your dentist if you’re having tooth discomfort in the majority of circumstances.

Although at-home cures might help you manage your pain and may seem to heal your toothache, tooth decay doesn’t go away on it’s own. Therefore, to keep your dental health from deteriorating, we suggest seeing your dentist.

It’s recommended to contact our office immediately to book an appointment if you’re presently suffering from a toothache.

Signs of Infection Post Root Canal

Signs of Infection Post Root Canal

Signs of Infection Post Root Canal

For most patients, a root canal is a simple operation that can be forgotten about after it is performed. However, if not taken care of properly an infection can occur after the procedure is done. Your Easton PA dentist has put together a list of signs of infection post root canal.

How To Tell If A Root Canal Is Infected

Unfortunately, some patients have pain again after their root canal and additional issues caused by infection and may need an emergency dentist Easton PA. Following a root canal, a person may get an infection for a variety of causes, including:

-During the operation, bacteria infiltrate the soft tissue

-Bacteria that have remained in the canal

-Cracked root of tooth

-After the surgery, germs might enter because of a defective filling

-The protecting crown is deteriorating.

You may not want to go back to the dentist Easton PA  after a root canal, but neglecting an infection may lead to tooth loss, gum disease, the need for more sophisticated dental treatment, or even systemic sickness due to the spread of infection and inflammation. Therefore, it’s essential to notify your dentist and get treatment as soon as possible if you develop issues after root canal treatments.

So, how can you tell if you’ve had a root canal and got an infection? Here’s all you need to know about it.

Infection Symptoms After a Root Canal

Infection after a root canal is uncommon, but it does occur. It might take days, weeks, or even years for it to happen. If you’re having any of the following symptoms, call your emergency dentist 18042 to make an appointment, regardless of how long it’s been since your root canal.


An infection might be indicated by lingering or throbbing tooth pain, a throbbing toothache, or discomfort produced by chewing or other pressure on the treated tooth. If your tooth is susceptible to heat or cold following a root canal, this might also indicate infection.

Discoloration of Teeth

Bacteria infect the pulp, which is the live portion of the tooth when they penetrate the inside of the tooth. This depletes the tooth’s nutrition supply, destroying the nerve and often resulting in discoloration. This does not apply if your initial root canal had a prosthetic crown. On the other hand, if you were able to maintain your original tooth crown and it has gotten black and discolored, this might indicate that bacteria has entered your canal and caused more illness.

Tenderness and Swelling of Gums

Often times inflammation can mean infection. If you’ve had a root canal and are experiencing discomfort and swelling surrounding the treated tooth, see your dentist right away to have it inspected and treated since this might indicate a reinfected root canal. Swelling at the treatment site may not stay contained; it might extend to your neck and face. In any case, schedule an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible.

Abscess in Mouth

Dr. Kim, dentist in Lexington KY, states that a dental abscess is a pus-filled pocket that develops due to a bacterial infection. It may develop inside the tooth, gums, or jaw. The abscess may be apparent (it may appear as a pimple on your gums), or it may not be evident at all. An abscess may cause extreme pain, painful lymph nodes, heat and cold sensitivity, and a terrible taste or odor in your mouth. Dental abscesses are infection symptoms that do not go away on their own. Whether your abscess is close or far from your treated tooth, it’s critical to contact your dentist as soon as possible.

Bad Breath That Won’t Go Away

Infection may leave a foul odor and a bitter taste in your mouth that refuses to go away after brushing and flossing. Sometimes the sole indication of illness is persistent bad breath. If you’re brushing and flossing regularly but still can’t get rid of the odor, you could have an infection.

Are you looking for a dentist that specializes in root canals? Do you have problems following a root canal? We can assist you.

At College Hill Dental Group, we’re dedicated to delivering outstanding dental treatment in a relaxing and nurturing atmosphere for every one of our patients. Whether you need a root canal or are experiencing issues after a root canal, we are delighted to assist you. Contact us today!

Dental Tips From Your Easton PA Dentist

8 Dental Health Tips

Dental Tips From Your Easton PA Dentist

It’s no secret that maintaining your oral health is preferable to living in a continual state of “fight or flight” as a result of dental problems. The goal is to understand what is required to maintain your dental health and then to take the essential steps. Our Easton PA Dentist has put together 8 dental health tips to keep your smile as healthy as possible.

Dental Tips From Your Easton PA Dentist

A Dentist in College Hill PA has created a list of the 8 most important behaviors for dental wellness to aid you in your search for healthy teeth and gums. Continue reading to receive the knowledge you need, and be ready to take action right away!


Oral bacteria are the number one adversary of healthy teeth and gums since they are the most significant cause of cavities, gum disease, and tooth loss, states family dentist Easton PA. These bacteria are constantly present in your mouth, but they become more active when you eat or drink anything (other than water). To keep them away, it’s essential to maintain good dental hygiene regularly and have bi-annual cleanings scheduled with your dentist 18042.


If you want to get the most out of your toothbrushing, follow the “two and two” guideline. This states that you should brush your teeth for two minutes at least twice a day. This will aid in the control of persistent microorganisms.


When you wash your teeth, you can only clean around 60% of the surface. Flossing is necessary to reach the remainder of the region. The flexible material lets you maneuver into the narrow crevices between your teeth, where germs thrive. As a general rule, you should floss whenever you brush your teeth.


Dr. Kacos, Shreveport dentist, states that cleaning your tongue, in addition to brushing and flossing your teeth, is crucial to your oral health. This is because it comes into touch with every area of your mouth. Debris may get stuck between your teeth and gums if not kept clean.

A tongue scraper is an excellent hygiene item to be aware of. The gadget is meant to glide smoothly from the back to the front of your tongue, removing particles and germs trapped between the papillae.


Dentists and hygienists often meet the assumption that white teeth equal excellent oral health. However, since cavities aren’t usually apparent, your teeth might look lovely while still being unhealthy. The lesson of the tale is to not “judge a book by its cover” and to go to the dentist on a regular basis.


If you think you’ll have to wear dentures as you grow older, dental specialists want you to know that you should never give up your natural teeth. This is because the quality of your dental treatment has a more significant impact on your oral health than the impacts of age.

So, now is the time to make a commitment to good dental hygiene.


Do you have to have a cup or two of coffee to start your day? Is it customary for you to have a soda at lunch or dinner? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, it’s time to reconsider your options. This is due to the acidity of coffee, soda, and other acidic liquids. As a result, they may cause enamel (the outer layer of the teeth) wear in addition to causing unsightly stains and discoloration.

Drinking water is a better option. If you’re going to drink coffee or soda, it’s a good idea to use a straw and brush your teeth right afterward.


Your dentist is your best ally when it comes to keeping and enhancing your dental health. That’s why it’s important to see your doctor for preventative care at least once every six months. You’ll have a complete cleaning and inspection while you’re there so that any problems may be recognized. As a result, a strategy for resolving the issues may be devised.

These suggestions are doable and may make a significant difference in your dental health. Make an appointment with your College Hill dentist immediately to confirm that you’re on the right track!

How Do I Know I’m a Candidate for Dental Implants?

How Do I Know I’m a Candidate for Dental Implants?

How Do I Know I’m a Candidate for Dental Implants?

Do you have one or more missing teeth? Do you wonder, how do I know I’m a candidate for dental implants? You can be a good candidate for dental implants to fix the problem and replace the gap left by the missing tooth or teeth. Continue reading to learn from your Easton PA Dentist whether or not you might be a good candidate for dental implants.

Signs You Are a Candidate for Dental Implants

Dental implants by easton PA dental implants, are without a doubt the most effective option to replace a lost tooth. Dr. Moghadam, Dentist in College Hill, explains many facets of a person’s oral health might be harmed by missing teeth. When one or more teeth are lost untreated, chewing capacity is disrupted, which has a significant impact on the structure, it may alter the appearance of someone’s grin. Implant procedures are not for everyone, thus the best choice for restoring your smile and health is to contact your dental implants 18042 dentist.

 #1 – Your gums and teeth should be healthy.

#2 – A strong bone density is required for a dental implant to provide adequate support.

#3 – Oral hygiene routine or good dental practices.

#4 – Quitting smoking or becoming a non-smoker.

#5 – Patience in the face of a lengthy procedure that may take up to twelve months to finish.

What is the cause of the lost teeth?

First, the dentist will need to investigate the cause of the missing teeth. Then, the dentist looks for healthy gums when determining whether or not someone is a candidate. Are there any symptoms of tension on the person’s gums? Is the patient brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash twice a day? So, if all of these statements are true, the individual may be a good candidate for dental implants.

Dental implants need healthy jawbones.

One of the most important criteria of a candidate for dental implants is adequate bone support. Once the implant is in place, it is supported by a robust jaw structure.

Maintaining good dental hygiene will make you a better candidate for dental implants. Plaque is removed by flossing, brushing, and using a decent mouthwash many times a day, which protects the applicant from infection during the implant operation. A suitable candidate is someone who visits the dentist twice a year for a basic checkup.

If you are a nonsmoker, your chances of being a suitable implant candidate will be considerably better. This is because smoking might obstruct the healing process of the surgery, increasing the risk of infection. A smoker who wants to stop might be a candidate. Other considerations include their commitment to quit smoking, their smoking history, and the number of cigarettes they consume each day. The dentist will need to look into it more to see whether implants are a viable option.

When it comes to dental implants, be patient

Dr. Wade, Pinellas Park Dentist, exclaims that patience is an asset! The installation and healing of implants might take anywhere from four to twelve months. Furthermore, it’s critical to make a firm commitment before undergoing an implant operation. Bone grafts, for example, may lengthen the process by enabling your gums to recover for many months following the implant. Crafting the replacement tooth can also take several weeks.

Have more questions? Get in touch with us right now!

Going through the aforementioned requirements, as well as visiting a dentist, is a fantastic approach to see whether you qualify for an implant. Implants may help you replace a lost tooth or provide you with the greatest option for a gorgeous smile!

Contact our office to arrange a consultation with our dentist to determine whether you are a suitable candidate and what steps you need to take to ensure you stay on track.