Types of Tooth Pain

Nothing may ruin your day more than a toothache. Unfortunately, toothaches are one of the most prevalent dental problems, resulting in millions of emergency room visits each year. The good news is that most tooth pain is caused by easily curable issues that may be resolved with the aid of a Easton PA Dentist. Below are different types of tooth pain and what each of them may mean.

Different Kinds of Tooth Pain 

Dental care Easton PA can assist you if you have dental discomfort and are unsure of what to do. We’ll go over five different forms of tooth pain and their severity levels, as well as what your pain could be telling you, what you can do to relieve your discomfort, and when you should contact Emergency Dentist College Hill PA.

Tooth Sensitivity (Level 1)

What It’s Like

Tooth sensitivity is a prevalent kind of tooth discomfort that may occur abruptly or be a long-term problem for some people. Tooth sensitivity occurs when your teeth are exposed to cold or extremely hot meals or beverages. The discomfort is usually intense and happens as soon as food or drink comes into contact with the surface of your teeth. The pain might disappear in a matter of seconds or continue for hours, indicating a significant condition.

What Does It Mean?

Tooth sensitivity is often associated with weaker enamel or retreating gumlines. If you see your dentist Forks Township PA regularly and notice dental sensitivity, it might be due to enamel degradation; however, significant tooth sensitivity could indicate severe tooth decay or a broken tooth with exposed tooth roots.

What Should You Do?

Switching your toothpaste to one developed for sensitive teeth might assist with moderate tooth discomfort. Your dentist can advise you on the best course of action. It’s also a good idea to stay away from hot and cold meals and drinks to keep your discomfort at bay. Acidic meals may also aggravate sensitivity discomfort by worsening enamel deterioration.

A Dull Ache (Level 2)

What It’s Like

The sensation is similar to that of a toothache. The pain might range from mild to severe, but it always feels like a dull ache in a single tooth, many teeth, or down into your jaw. These toothaches come and go, but since they are connected to a more severe tooth disease, they will not disappear until you see your dentist.

What Does It Mean?

A dull discomfort might indicate anything as simple as a piece of food lodged in your tooth, or it could mean that you have dental rot. If you have a dull discomfort in the back of your mouth, it might be the result of your wisdom teeth erupting, or it could be a sign of nightly bruxism. A dull aching accompanied by a sensation of pressure in your teeth while biting down might indicate the formation of an abscess.

What Should You Do?

To get rid of any sticky food, floss and clean your teeth thoroughly first. It’s time to see your dentist if your pain continues if you find a pattern in your pains, such as waking up with discomfort every morning.

Sharp Tooth Pain (Level 3)

What It’s Like

When your problem tooth comes into contact with other teeth or a food item while biting down, severe pain might develop. The difference between this sort of pain and an aching or throbbing feeling is the first, extremely acute pain that causes toothache. You may not even feel chronic pain in certain circumstances; instead, you may only feel it when you bite down the “wrong way.”

What Does It Mean?

A strong ache can typically be traced to a single tooth and indicates that it has been damaged; when you run your tongue over it, you may feel a chipped or fractured component of your tooth. Your teeth may be fractured in certain circumstances, but you won’t be able to detect the fracture by merely glancing in the mirror. Intense discomfort in a tooth with a filling or crown might indicate a problem with the restoration.

What Should You Do?

Even though the severe pain doesn’t appear to stay, this sort of discomfort necessitates a dental checkup. A damaged tooth may rapidly deteriorate, requiring what might have been a simple filling to become a dental crown. Worse, a broken tooth may shatter entirely with less force than you would expect.

Throbbing Tooth Pain (Level 4)

What It’s Like

A throbbing toothache is excruciatingly unpleasant and aggravating. This sort of pain may strike quickly or develop over time, progressing from a sharp ache to a throbbing agony. The throbbing feeling might be localized to one or more teeth, or it could extend across your jaw or even your side of the face. Your gums could also seem swollen and red.

What Does It Mean?

Severe, throbbing tooth pain should be taken seriously. A fractured tooth or extensive gum disease (periodontitis) that has exposed your tooth’s roots or nerves might be the reason. In addition, untreated dental decay may wear away your enamel to the point where the pulp layer of your tooth is exposed.

What Should You Do?

While you may relieve the pain with over-the-counter medicines and hot or cold compresses, this sort of toothache should never be neglected. It’s critical to get assistance from your dentist right away. 

Extreme or Debilitating Tooth Pain (Level 5)

What It’s Like

If not treated right away, a throbbing toothache may swiftly evolve into intense, agonizing dental pain. This Level 5 toothache may make you feel disoriented, nauseous, and unable to concentrate on anything other than how painful your tooth is. You may even feel compelled to seek treatment in an emergency room.

What Does It Mean?

Dr. Eastham, dentist Grand Junction CO, states that extreme or incapacitating pain may be caused by various issues, ranging from accidental tooth damage to tooth fracturing and exposing the pulp layer and nerves. There’s a good possibility you’ve developed an abscess if you’re also experiencing uncomfortable pressure or face swelling. Oral infections, such as an abscess, are exceedingly dangerous.

What Should You Do?

If your dentist’s office is open, contact him or her right away. However, if you’re outside of your dentist’s office hours, your pain is unbearable, you should go to the emergency room.

Make an appointment with College Hill Dental Group to get rid of your tooth discomfort for good.

It’s a good idea to see your dentist if you’re having tooth discomfort in the majority of circumstances.

Although at-home cures might help you manage your pain and may seem to heal your toothache, tooth decay doesn’t go away on it’s own. Therefore, to keep your dental health from deteriorating, we suggest seeing your dentist.

It’s recommended to contact our office immediately to book an appointment if you’re presently suffering from a toothache.