Wisdom Tooth Extractions

The final adult teeth to erupt in your mouth are your back molars, often known as wisdom teeth. They usually appear between the ages of 17 and 21, at the top and bottom of both sides. Unfortunately, many people’s jaws are too small to contain wisdom teeth without causing other teeth to move. This may result in a range of issues and wisdom tooth extractions may be necessary. Want to know more? Read this information from your Easton PA dentist.

What to Know About Wisdom Tooth Extractions

If this occurs to you, your wisdom tooth removal Easton PA will most likely suggest that you have them removed via surgery. Wisdom tooth extraction is quite frequent, and depending on your situation, recovery might take up to a week. If your wisdom teeth are impacted, recovery may take longer. This indicates that they have not yet erupted from behind the gums and are not visible explains tooth extraction Easton PA.

The Day of Your Operation

Wisdom tooth extraction is an outpatient procedure, meaning you go to the surgical facility and depart the same day. You’ll most likely wake up in the dental chair if you’re given a local anesthetic or sedative during operation. If you’re given a general anesthetic, though, you’ll take longer to wake up and will be transferred to a recovery room. It’s possible that you don’t recall how you got from the dentist’s chair to the recovery area. Inquire with your Easton PA dental practice about the sedative options available.

As you recover from surgery, you’ll gradually regain sensation in your mouth. It’s common to have some discomfort and edema. There will be blood in your mouth on the first day of recovery. You may use an ice pack on your face right away if you want to. You’ll also be given directions on when and how to take drugs, whether they’re prescription or over-the-counter pain relievers. Having someone else drive you home is a good idea, if not a need. Your dentist may insist on it, particularly if you’re having general anesthesia and won’t be able to drive for a long time.

After surgery, you may consume soft meals but avoid alcohol, caffeine, smoking and drinking with a straw.

Long-Term Remission

Most patients recover completely after wisdom tooth surgery in three to four days. It might take a week to recuperate if your teeth were impacted or came in at an uncomfortable angle.

Because the wound left behind after surgery may not heal fully for months, an infection might develop weeks after surgery. Take care of yourself and be aware of any warning signals.

The day following surgery, you may resume regular daily activities, but avoid any action that might dislodge your sutures or the blood clot covering your incision.

After the wisdom teeth removal, some swelling, discomfort, and bleeding are expected. If the pain or bleeding is extreme, contact your dentist right once.

By the third day following surgery, your symptoms should have significantly improved. Within a week following surgery, all discomfort and bleeding should be gone.

Fever medicine is ineffective at relieving discomfort, swelling that worsens over time, numbness, and blood or pus coming out of your nose that won’t stop flowing when the gauze is placed over it and pressure is applied.

Care At Home

To minimize infections and problems, you must take proper care of your mouth when you come home. After surgery, your dentist or oral surgeon will give you specific advice on how to clean and preserve your mouth. This may be the only time your dentist advises you to skip brushing, rinse, or floss for the whole day.

Cleaning instructions are often given as follows: To keep the wound clean, rinse it with salt water. Rinse without spitting out the water. Instead, place your lips over the sink and let the water drain. To absorb excess blood, dab the wound gently with gauze.

After surgery, you should be able to resume your routine within a day or two. Next week, take caution not to dislodge your blood clot or sutures. The blood over your wisdom teeth hole, like any scab, covers and cures the wound. A dry socket is what occurs when this happens. A dry socket may occur in any or all of the wound holes.

During your rehabilitation, you should avoid the following activities: anything that might cause a blood clot or dislodge your sutures, such as smoking, spitting, or drinking through a straw

Management of Pain

Our friend, Grand Junction Dentist, Dr. Helgerson, states that using ice and taking pain medication are the two most common strategies to manage pain and minimize swelling. Inquire with your dentist about how frequently you should use an ice pack on your face. Avoid putting ice straight on your face to avoid ice burn. They’ll also tell you if you should take prescription or over-the-counter drugs.

You may also be prescribed medicines to help you heal. This is to avoid illnesses when your mouth is susceptible to bacteria. Make sure you finish the antibiotic treatment prescribed by your dentist.

Foods to Eat and Stay Away From

It’s critical to stay hydrated and eat healthily throughout recovery, even if you don’t have much of an appetite right after surgery. Inquire with your doctor about what you may eat throughout the first several days of your recovery. Consider simple foods to take without much chewing and won’t mess up your blood clot or sutures.

To begin, start with highly soft foods, such as soups, mashed potatoes, and smoothies with cottage cheese and apple sauce

When eating, stay away from a meal that is excessively hot and might burn the operation site,

drinking through a straw or slurping from a spoon too violently might dislodge a blood clot or damage sutures.

When you’re ready, gradually increase your intake of heartier foods.

Surgery to remove wisdom teeth typically takes three days to recover from, but it might take up to a week or more. To assist recovery and avoid infection, you must follow your dentist’s at-home care guidelines.

If you have any questions or concerns contact our office.