Full Mouth Dental Rehabilitation

Full Mouth Dental Rehabilitation

Full Mouth Dental Rehabilitation

Revitalize Your Smile: A Comprehensive Guide to Full Mouth Dental Rehabilitation for Lasting Oral Health and Confidence

A confident smile is a powerful asset, contributing significantly to your overall well-being. For a smile makeover and improved oral health, turn to College Hill Dental Group in Easton, PA, the beacon of excellence. Renowned as the best dentist in Easton, this reputable dental practice specializes in transformative full mouth dental rehabilitation. 

Benefits of Dental Implants

Understanding Full Mouth Dental Rehabilitation

Full mouth dental rehabilitation, also known as reconstruction or restoration, comprehensively addresses multiple issues throughout the entire mouth. The designed personalized treatment plan restores functionality, enhances aesthetics, and promotes long-term oral health. Individuals with extensive dental concerns, such as missing teeth, damaged enamel, bite problems, or jaw issues, can benefit significantly from full mouth rehabilitation.

The Benefits of Full Mouth Dental Rehabilitation

  1. Comprehensive Solutions: Full mouth rehabilitation offers comprehensive solutions for a wide range of dental issues. From restoring missing teeth to addressing gum disease and correcting misalignments, this holistic approach ensures that all aspects of your oral health are considered and treated.
  2. Improved Oral Functionality: By addressing multiple dental issues simultaneously, full mouth rehabilitation enhances oral functionality. This includes improved chewing ability, better speech, and a more comfortable bite alignment.
  3. Aesthetic Transformation: One of the significant benefits of full mouth rehabilitation is the aesthetic transformation it brings. It addresses stained, misshapen, or damaged teeth, creating a confident, natural-looking smile.
  4. Long-Term Oral Health: Full mouth rehabilitation ensures long-term oral health beyond immediate cosmetic improvements. By addressing underlying dental issues, the treatment helps prevent further damage and decay, contributing to lasting oral well-being.

The Process of Full Mouth Dental Rehabilitation

  1. Comprehensive Assessment: The journey begins with a thorough examination of your oral health. College Hill Dental Group’s experienced dentists will assess the condition of your teeth, gums, jaw, and overall oral structures to identify specific issues and create a tailored treatment plan.
  2. Customized Treatment Plan: The dental team creates a personalized treatment plan based on the assessment to address your unique dental concerns. This may involve a combination of restorative procedures, cosmetic dentistry, orthodontics, and other specialized treatments.
  3. Step-by-Step Implementation: The dental team implements the treatment plan in stages, addressing various aspects of your oral health. This step-by-step approach allows for precision and ensures that each procedure contributes to the overall success of the rehabilitation.

Why Choose College Hill Dental Group for Full Mouth Rehabilitation in Easton

  • Expertise in Full Mouth Rehabilitation: College Hill Dental Group excels in full mouth dental rehabilitation with a proven track record of success. Their skilled team of dentists is adept at creating comprehensive treatment plans, ensuring the best care for you.
  • State-of-the-Art Facilities: The Easton, PA facility of College Hill Dental Group is equipped with state-of-the-art technology, creating an advanced and comfortable environment for your full mouth rehabilitation journey.
  • Personalized and Compassionate Care: Dedicated to your rehabilitation, College Hill Dental Group works closely with you to achieve your smile goals, understanding the significance of your oral health by providing personalized and compassionate care.They  understand the significance of your oral health and work closely with you to achieve your smile goals.
  • Reputation as the Best Dentist in Easton, PA: Recognized as Easton’s best dentist, College Hill Dental Group has a stellar reputation for dental care excellence. Their commitment to patient satisfaction makes them the trusted choice for full mouth rehabilitation in Easton.

Contact Us!

Revitalizing your smile through full mouth dental rehabilitation positively impacts both oral health and confidence.

With College Hill Dental Group, trust you’re in the hands of Easton’s best dentist. College Hill Dental Group’s comprehensive approach, personalized care, and commitment to excellence make it the go-to for full mouth rehabilitation in Easton, PA. Take the first step towards lasting oral health and confidence by scheduling a consultation with College Hill Dental Group today. Your radiant smile awaits its transformation.

Can The Dentist Save My Infected Tooth?

Can The Dentist Save My Infected Tooth?

Can The Dentist Save My Infected Tooth?

Endodontics Explained: Tooth Infection Treatment With Root Canal Thearpy

In the realm of dental care, endodontics plays a pivotal role in preserving natural teeth threatened by infection or decay. At College Hill Dental Group, we understand the significance of maintaining your natural smile, and endodontic treatments, particularly root canal therapy, stand out as an effective solution for treating tooth infections.

Can The Dentist Save My Infected Tooth?

Understanding Endodontics: The Science Behind Tooth Saving

Endodontics specializes in treating the dental pulp, the tooth’s core containing nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue. Infected or inflamed dental pulp can cause severe pain and jeopardize the overall health of the tooth.

The primary goal of endodontic treatment is to alleviate pain, eliminate infection, and preserve the natural tooth. Root canal therapy, a common endodontic procedure, involves removing the infected or damaged pulp, cleaning and disinfecting the root canal system, and then sealing the space to prevent further infection.

The Root Canal Process: Navigating the Treatment Journey

  1. Diagnosis and Assessment: The process starts with a comprehensive examination and diagnostic tests, including X-rays, to determine the infection’s extent and evaluate the tooth’s overall condition. Our skilled team at College Hill Dental Group employs advanced diagnostic tools to ensure an accurate and comprehensive evaluation.
  2. Local Anesthesia: Local anesthesia is administered to numb the affected tooth and surrounding area, ensuring your comfort throughout the procedure. This helps alleviate any potential discomfort during the treatment.
  3. Access Opening: Our dentist creates a small access opening in the tooth, providing direct access to the infected pulp. This step is crucial for the removal of the damaged tissue and the subsequent cleaning of the root canal system.
  4. Cleaning and Shaping: Specialized instruments clean and shape the root canals, eliminating bacteria, debris, and infected tissue. This meticulous process is essential for eliminating any potential sources of infection.
  5. Filling and Sealing: The dentist fills thoroughly cleaned root canals with a biocompatible material like gutta-percha to seal the space and prevent reinfection. A temporary or permanent filling is used to seal the access opening.
  6. Restoration: After root canal therapy, a tooth usually needs a permanent restoration to regain strength and functionality. This may involve the placement of a dental crown to protect the treated tooth and ensure its longevity.

Choosing College Hill Dental Group for Endodontic Care: Why Trust Matters

When it comes to endodontic treatments, trust plays a crucial role in ensuring a positive outcome. College Hill Dental Group stands as the best dentist in Easton, PA, with a team of experienced and compassionate professionals dedicated to providing exceptional endodontic care.

Our commitment to using cutting-edge technology, coupled with a patient-centered approach, ensures that your endodontic experience is as comfortable and stress-free as possible. We prioritize open communication, explaining each step of the process and addressing any concerns you may have.

Contact Us! Root Canal Therapy as a Beacon of Hope

Endodontics, specifically root canal therapy, is a beacon of hope for individuals grappling with tooth infections. Choosing preservation helps patients avoid potential tooth loss pitfalls and enjoy the lasting benefits of a healthy, natural smile.

At College Hill Dental Group, we believe in the power of endodontics to restore both oral health and confidence. If you’re seeking the best dentist in Easton, PA, for endodontic care, look no further. Trust our experienced team to guide you through the process and help you regain control of your oral well-being.

Don’t let misconceptions about root canal therapy overshadow its potential to save your smile. Contact College Hill Dental Group today, and let us embark on a journey to preserve the vitality of your teeth through state-of-the-art endodontic care. Your smile deserves the best, and we are here to deliver it.

Tooth Replacement Options

Tooth Replacement Options

Tooth Replacement Options

Restoring Confidence with Tooth Replacement Solutions: College Hill Dental Group's Approach to Dental Implants

A complete and healthy smile is a source of confidence and well-being, but when tooth loss occurs, it can impact both oral health and self-esteem. At College Hill Dental Group, recognized as the best dentist in Easton, PA, we understand the significance of restoring not just your smile but also your confidence.

Tooth Replacement Options

The Impact of Tooth Loss

  1. Aesthetic Concerns: Tooth loss can significantly affect the appearance of your smile, leading to self-consciousness and a decrease in confidence. Missing teeth may cause changes in facial structure and contribute to premature aging.

  2. Functional Challenges: Beyond aesthetics, tooth loss can impede basic oral functions such as chewing and speaking. This can affect dietary choices and communication, leading to a decline in overall quality of life.

  3. Oral Health Consequences: Gaps left by missing teeth create spaces where neighboring teeth may shift, impacting bite alignment and increasing the risk of further dental issues. Additionally, the loss of tooth roots can result in bone resorption over time.

Advanced Tooth Replacement Solutions

  1. Dental Implants: Dental implants are a cutting-edge solution for tooth replacement, providing a durable and natural-looking result. Surgically placing titanium posts into the jawbone is a procedure that mimics the function of natural tooth roots. College Hill Dental Group excels in implant dentistry, ensuring precision and expertise in every procedure.

  2. Dentures: Modern dentures have evolved, offering improved aesthetics and functionality. Custom-designing full or partial dentures to fit comfortably and restore a natural-looking smile is a specialized service offered at our dental practice. College Hill Dental Group specializes in crafting dentures that enhance both appearance and function.

  3. Dental Bridges: Dental bridges are an effective solution for replacing one or more adjacent missing teeth. These restorations consist of artificial teeth anchored to neighboring natural teeth or dental implants. Our team at College Hill Dental Group creates bridges that seamlessly blend with existing teeth for a harmonious smile.

The College Hill Dental Group Advantage

  1. Comprehensive Consultations: The journey to restoring confidence with tooth replacement starts with a comprehensive consultation at College Hill Dental Group. The best dentist in Easton, PA, takes the time to understand your concerns, evaluate your oral health, and discuss personalized solutions tailored to your needs.

  2. Precision and Expertise: At College Hill Dental Group, our team conducts dental implant procedures with precision and expertise. Our skilled professionals utilize advanced technology to ensure accurate placement, optimal healing, and long-term success.

  3. Customized Treatment Plans: We recognize that every patient is unique, and one-size-fits-all solutions don’t apply to dental care. College Hill Dental Group creates customized treatment plans, considering factors such as oral health, lifestyle, and aesthetic preferences.

  4. State-of-the-Art Facilities: Equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, our dental practice enables us to offer cutting-edge tooth replacement solutions. From digital imaging for precise diagnostics to advanced materials for restorations, we prioritize the latest advancements in dentistry.

Regaining Confidence: The Journey to a Restored Smile

  1. Initial Consultation: The process begins with a thorough consultation where the best dentist in Easton, PA, evaluates your oral health, discusses your goals, and determines the most suitable tooth replacement solution.

  2. Treatment Planning: Our team develops a personalized treatment plan that outlines the steps involved in the tooth replacement process. Our team ensures that you are informed and comfortable with the proposed plan, whether you choose dental implants, dentures, or bridges.

  3. Implant Placement or Restoration: For dental implants, the next step involves the precise placement of implant posts into the jawbone. Restorations such as crowns, bridges, or dentures are affixed to the implants to complete the smile following a healing period.

  4. Denture Fittings or Bridge Attachments:

    Crafting dentures or bridges to match the natural contours of your mouth and meticulously fitting or attaching them to provide optimal aesthetics and functionality is a specialized service offered at our dental practice.

  5. Follow-up Care: College Hill Dental Group prioritizes follow-up care to ensure the success and longevity of your tooth replacement. Scheduling regular check-ups and maintenance appointments is a proactive approach to addressing any concerns and optimizing your oral health.

Contact Us Today!

Tooth loss doesn’t have to diminish your confidence or compromise your oral health. At College Hill Dental Group, we specialize in providing advanced tooth replacement solutions that restore smiles and renew confidence. As the best dentist in Easton, PA, our commitment to precision, expertise, and personalized care ensures that your journey to a confident and vibrant smile is a rewarding experience. Contact College Hill Dental Group today to embark on the path to regaining confidence with state-of-the-art tooth replacement solutions.

Replacing Your Missing Teeth

Replacing Your Missing Teeth

Replacing Your Missing Teeth

Replacing Missing Teeth: College Hill Dental's Comprehensive Approach to Restoring Your Oral Health

A complete and radiant smile is not only a reflection of confidence but also a cornerstone of optimal oral health. When faced with the challenge of missing teeth, individuals often seek a solution that not only restores aesthetics but also ensures functionality and long-term well-being. College Hill Dental, dedicated to providing exceptional dental care, offers a comprehensive approach to replacing missing teeth. In this blog post, we will explore the various aspects of their approach, highlighting the key elements that make it a standout choice for individuals in need of effective tooth replacement.

Replacing Your Missing Teeth

Personalized Consultations

College Hill Dental begins the journey to restoring your smile with personalized consultations.

Recognizing the uniqueness of each patient, our dental team carefully evaluates individual needs, concerns, and oral health conditions. This comprehensive evaluation guides a tailored treatment plan, aligning the chosen solution with the patient’s goals and expectations.

State-of-the-Art Diagnostic Tools

To provide the most accurate and effective tooth replacement solutions, College Hill Dental employs state-of-the-art diagnostic tools. Advanced imaging techniques, such as digital X-rays and 3D scans, allow for a detailed examination of the oral structures. This technological advantage aids in precise diagnosis and procedure planning, ensuring optimal outcomes for patients seeking tooth replacement.

Dental Implants: The Gold Standard

At the forefront of College Hill Dental’s comprehensive approach to tooth replacement is the utilization of dental implants. Dental implants have revolutionized the field of restorative dentistry, offering a durable, natural-looking, and long-lasting solution. The implant process involves surgically placing titanium posts into the jawbone, creating a stable foundation for the replacement teeth. College Hill Dental’s implantology expertise ensures patients receive top-notch care, from consultation to final restoration.

Customized Prosthetics for a Natural Look

Understanding the importance of a natural-looking smile, College Hill Dental goes the extra mile in crafting customized prosthetics. Whether it’s a single missing tooth or a full arch restoration, our dental team works closely with skilled technicians to create crowns, bridges, or dentures that seamlessly blend with the patient’s natural teeth. The result is a restored smile that not only functions optimally but also enhances the overall aesthetics of the face.

Full-Mouth Restoration Expertise

For individuals facing extensive tooth loss, College Hill Dental excels in full-mouth restoration. This comprehensive approach replaces all missing teeth in the upper or lower jaw, often combining dental implants with strategically designed prosthetics. Full-mouth restoration rebuilds the smile and addresses underlying oral health issues for complete and functional dental rehabilitation.

Continued Support and Aftercare

College Hill Dental’s commitment to patient well-being extends beyond the treatment phase. Following tooth replacement procedures, patients receive thorough guidance on aftercare and maintenance. This includes regular check-ups, professional cleanings, and guidance on oral hygiene practices to ensure the longevity of the restorations. Our dental team is readily available to address any concerns and provide ongoing support as patients adapt to their renewed smiles.

Contact Us Today!

College Hill Dental’s approach to replacing missing teeth includes personalized consultations, cutting-edge diagnostics, and a commitment to excellence in implantology. Combining natural aesthetics, full-mouth restoration expertise, and a focus on excellence, College Hill Dental is a trusted partner in restoring oral health and confidence. If you’re seeking a solution for missing teeth, consider the holistic approach offered by College Hill Dental—a commitment to not only bringing back your smile but also ensuring a lasting foundation for optimal oral health.

Hazards Of Not Going To The Dentist Regularly

The Hazards Of Not Going To The Dentist Regularly

The Consequences of Skipping Out on Regular Dental Visits

We all know the importance of maintaining good oral hygiene, but how often do we actually put it into practice? While brushing and flossing your teeth on a daily basis is essential to keeping your teeth healthy, it’s important to remember that regular visits to the dentist are also essential. Unfortunately, many people put off these visits until they have a serious dental issue. Skipping out on regular dental visits can result in more serious problems down the line. Let’s take a look at why you should make sure you visit the dentist regularly for a check-up.

The Hazards Of Not Going To The Dentist Regularly

The Long Term Effects of Poor Oral Hygiene

Not going to the dentist regularly leaves your mouth vulnerable to plaque buildup and tooth decay. These conditions can lead to gum disease and other oral health problems such as halitosis (bad breath), tooth loss, and even infection. Without regular check-ups with a professional dentist, you will have no way of knowing if you have any of these issues until it is too late. Furthermore, poor oral hygiene has been linked to an increased risk for heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and other systemic illnesses. It’s important to make sure your overall health is taken into consideration when making decisions about visiting the dentist.

Preventive Care & Treatment Options

Regular visits with your Easton PA dentist provide an opportunity for preventive care that helps keep your mouth healthy while reducing future treatment costs. During these visits, dentists can identify potential issues early on and provide treatments or advice on how best to avoid them. This could include things like fluoride treatments or sealants that can help protect your teeth from decay or cavities. Your dentist may also recommend lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking or changing your diet in order to reduce the risk of developing certain diseases or conditions in the future. Plus, by catching small issues before they become big ones – like detecting cavities in their early stages – you may be able to avoid costly restorative dental treatments down the road like root canals or crowns that would otherwise be necessary if left untreated for too long.

It’s never too late to start taking better care of your teeth! If you’ve been putting off scheduling dental appointments for whatever reason then now is the time to get back on track with regular visits with our Easton PA dentists here at College Hill Dental Group! Make sure you keep up with routine cleanings every six months so that any existing oral health concerns can be addressed right away and prevent any new ones from arising in the future! Taking steps today towards proper oral hygiene will not only help keep discomfort at bay but will also ensure optimal health in years ahead! Contact us today for more information!

How Do I Know I’m a Candidate for Dental Implants?

How Do I Know I’m a Candidate for Dental Implants?

How Do I Know I’m a Candidate for Dental Implants?

Do you have one or more missing teeth? Do you wonder, how do I know I’m a candidate for dental implants? You can be a good candidate for dental implants to fix the problem and replace the gap left by the missing tooth or teeth. Continue reading to learn from your Easton PA Dentist whether or not you might be a good candidate for dental implants.

Signs You Are a Candidate for Dental Implants

Dental implants by easton PA dental implants, are without a doubt the most effective option to replace a lost tooth. Dr. Moghadam, Dentist in College Hill, explains many facets of a person’s oral health might be harmed by missing teeth. When one or more teeth are lost untreated, chewing capacity is disrupted, which has a significant impact on the structure, it may alter the appearance of someone’s grin. Implant procedures are not for everyone, thus the best choice for restoring your smile and health is to contact your dental implants 18042 dentist.

 #1 – Your gums and teeth should be healthy.

#2 – A strong bone density is required for a dental implant to provide adequate support.

#3 – Oral hygiene routine or good dental practices.

#4 – Quitting smoking or becoming a non-smoker.

#5 – Patience in the face of a lengthy procedure that may take up to twelve months to finish.

What is the cause of the lost teeth?

First, the dentist will need to investigate the cause of the missing teeth. Then, the dentist looks for healthy gums when determining whether or not someone is a candidate. Are there any symptoms of tension on the person’s gums? Is the patient brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash twice a day? So, if all of these statements are true, the individual may be a good candidate for dental implants.

Dental implants need healthy jawbones.

One of the most important criteria of a candidate for dental implants is adequate bone support. Once the implant is in place, it is supported by a robust jaw structure.

Maintaining good dental hygiene will make you a better candidate for dental implants. Plaque is removed by flossing, brushing, and using a decent mouthwash many times a day, which protects the applicant from infection during the implant operation. A suitable candidate is someone who visits the dentist twice a year for a basic checkup.

If you are a nonsmoker, your chances of being a suitable implant candidate will be considerably better. This is because smoking might obstruct the healing process of the surgery, increasing the risk of infection. A smoker who wants to stop might be a candidate. Other considerations include their commitment to quit smoking, their smoking history, and the number of cigarettes they consume each day. The dentist will need to look into it more to see whether implants are a viable option.

When it comes to dental implants, be patient

Dr. Wade, Pinellas Park Dentist, exclaims that patience is an asset! The installation and healing of implants might take anywhere from four to twelve months. Furthermore, it’s critical to make a firm commitment before undergoing an implant operation. Bone grafts, for example, may lengthen the process by enabling your gums to recover for many months following the implant. Crafting the replacement tooth can also take several weeks.

Have more questions? Get in touch with us right now!

Going through the aforementioned requirements, as well as visiting a dentist, is a fantastic approach to see whether you qualify for an implant. Implants may help you replace a lost tooth or provide you with the greatest option for a gorgeous smile!

Contact our office to arrange a consultation with our dentist to determine whether you are a suitable candidate and what steps you need to take to ensure you stay on track.

Benefits of Composite Fillings

Benefits of Composite Fillings - Easton PA

White Composite Fillings

Composite fillings, also known as white fillings, are commonly used to restore a tooth with decay, fissures, fractures, or other damage. Your dentist in Easton, PA, will replace the damaged part of the tooth with the composite filling. Traditionally, dentists use silver or metal fillings. Thanks to technological advances, our College Hill Dental Group team can provide you with composite fillings. Below, Dr. Dave Moghadam discusses the benefits of composite fillings

Why Composite Fillings

Composite fillings, like most dental restorations, are not permanent and may need to be replaced at some point. Additionally, they are extremely long-lasting and will provide you with a long-lasting, gorgeous smile.

Composite fillings are used for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Fixing a chipped, cracked, or shattered tooth 
  • Closing the gap between two teeth
  • Decayed teeth

Benefits of Composite Fillings 

Many of our patients are happy to know that we offer composite fillings. They offer so many great advantages for patients. Some of the benefits of composite fillings include:

  • They are color-matched to blend in with your natural teeth, making them virtually unnoticeable.
  • Can fill minor to moderate cavities in the front or rear teeth.
  • Fillings are less likely to come away.
  • They are adaptable enough to be utilized to repair minor faults such as a little chip in a tooth.
  • The temperature has little effect on the resin, and it is not prone to expanding or shrinking.

Composite Filling Process

Composite fillings are typically installed in one office visit. Your dentist will remove decay as needed while the tooth is numb. Then, the area will next be completely cleaned and prepared before the new fiilling. If the decay occurred close to the nerve of the tooth, your dentist would do further treatment. After that, the composite filling will be shaped, and polished. Your tooth will return to its original shape and function.

When composite fillings are first placed, you may experience sensitivity to hot and cold foods or drinks. Our friend Dr. Beth Herko, a family dentist in New Providence, NJ, says this is completely normal. You can expect this sensitivity to go away once the tooth adapts to the filling. Additionally, good oral care, eating habits, and frequent dental appointments will help your new fillings last longer.

So, if you’d like to arrange an appointment or have any concerns about dental implants, please contact College Hill Dental Group in Easton, PA.

Most Common Restorative Dentistry Treatments

most common restorative dentistry treatments - Easton PA

The Most Common Restorative Dentistry Treatments in Easton, PA

Restorative dentistry refers to any dental operations designed to restore the structure and functionality of your teeth. At College Hill Dental Group, there are a variety of dental treatments to choose from. To determine which restorative dental treatment is right for you, read the article below where Dr. Dave Moghadam discusses the most common restorative dentistry treatments.  

What Exactly Is Restorative Dentistry?

Simply put, restorative dentistry refers to any dental procedure that focuses on repairing or restoring damaged teeth. Additionally, this can involve fillings, bridges, and implants, among many other services. It is crucial to clarify that restorative dentistry does not include cosmetic operations such as dental veneers or teeth whitening.

Restorative Dentistry Practices That Are Most Common

While each situation is unique, there are a few treatments that are the most common restorative dentistry treatments. Knowing if your dental treatment is cosmetic or restorative will save you money. Most dental insurance companies will pay more toward restorative treatment. Here are some of the most popular restorative dentist Lancaster services provided by our experts:

Dental Fillings

Fillings, whether amalgam (metal) or composite (white), are the most prevalent type of restorative dentistry we see. These are used to restore and stabilize a tooth that has been weakened by cavities and decay.

Same-Day Dental Crowns

If a tooth has extensive decay and cannot be repaired with fillings, it may be time for dental crowns. This restorative treatment covers the entire tooth down to the gumline to protect it from further harm. Your dentist in Easton, PA, may recommend dental crowns if you have a cracked tooth or significant tooth decay. Read our article All About Dental Crowns to learn more. 

Dental Bridges

Bridges, similar to dental crowns, are used to cover a region where a tooth has been extracted. It entails fusing several crowns together and bonding them to the adjacent healthy teeth on each side of the space in order to “bridge” the missing tooth with a porcelain replacement.

Dental Bonding

Bonding is the most commonly used restorative dentistry treatment for repairing chipped or damaged teeth. It is both an effective and affordable solution. The bonding material is made up of composite, which looks and feels like your natural teeth.

Dental Implants

When the damage is severe, dental implants may be a viable option. This technique replaces your original tooth. These are held in place by a metal post that is essentially linked to your jawbone via a screw-like metal “root.” Our friend Dr. Kim, a dentist in Lexington, KY, points out that dental implants are a long-term solution for missing teeth. Additionally, the plus side is that you won’t have to worry about additional care like you would with dentures. 

How to Prepare for Extensive Dental Work

Restorative dentistry can truly restore your smile back to what it once was. Make sure to thoroughly discuss your options with your College Hill dentist so that you know what to expect and can make the best decision for your specific case. You should also check to see if any treatment plans are covered by dental insurance. At College Hill Dental Group, we offer our patients a Smile Protection Plan. This is extremely convenient for patients without insurance. Contact our dental office in Easton, PA today! 

Broken Tooth Repair Options

broken tooth repair options - easton pa

Broken Tooth Repair Options

Teeth fractures and breaks account for a good amount of emergency dentistry. The treatment you need for broken tooth repair depends on the severity of the break and its location. Most dental cracks can be repaired quickly, especially if your dentist offers same-day dentistry. In this blog, Dr. Moghadam discusses broken tooth repair options. Note that if your tooth is split in half, contact us immediately. Repairing a broken tooth should not be put off. 

Why Repairing a Broken Tooth is Important

The risk of infection in the pulp of the tooth, as well as the gums and bone under the damaged tooth, increases significantly with each day you delay seeing a dentist. Continue to brush your teeth on a regular basis before you can schedule the appointment, but be extra careful not to exacerbate the issue.

What Causes Cracking or Breaking of Teeth?

One of the most common causes of broken teeth happens during eating. Chewing hard foods can damage your teeth, especially if you have poor oral health. Those who grind their teeth or clench their jaw may be at a higher risk for a broken tooth. If you wake up with jaw pain or a headache, be mindful of potential dental problems. Teeth can also break or crack on impact, whether that’s from a car accident or sports injury. Any time you experience dangerous contact with your teeth, you should see a professional for a full-mouth evaluation. Otherwise, it could lead to other problems later on. 

Broken Tooth Repair Options

When you experience a broken tooth, your dentist in Easton, PA, will recommend some of the following broken tooth repair options. As mentioned above, the treatment will depend on the severity of the break and the foundation of the tooth. Contact College Hill Dental Group for a consultation today!

Dental Bonding

Bonding is an excellent and simple solution if you have a subtle crack in your tooth. We can patch the crack with composite resin, which is the same material used to make white fillings. Composite resin is similar to putty and is color-matched to your teeth. This is the best option for patients who have craze lines that run down the enamel of their teeth.

Dental Veneers

Veneers are classified into three types: porcelain, composite, and lumineers. Veneers are common because they can be customized to match the shape and color of your teeth. Additionally, veneers can be reshaped to give you even better-looking teeth. They are an excellent choice for repairing cracked or broken teeth and can last for decades. Although veneers are an excellent option, our friend Dr. Leeson, a dentist in St. Pete, FL, says veneers aren’t suitable for patients who grind their teeth.

Same-Day Dental Crowns

A dental crown goes over your tooth. It’s designed to strengthen it and prevent any further damage. Dental crowns are one of the most common broken tooth repair options available. This is the safest choice for patients who have a broken cusp. Although these types of breaks aren’t painful, ignoring them increases the chances of losing the entire tooth. At our dental office in Easton, PA, we offer same-day dental crowns for our patients. So, you don’t have to wait weeks on end for your permanent crown to get back from the lab! Everything is made in-house. 

Root Canal Therapy

If you have a badly cracked tooth, it is likely that the damage has spread to the pulp, which is located deep inside the tooth. The most common symptom of this condition is pain, especially when eating something cold, such as ice cream, or something hot, such as soup. Root canal therapy is a popular dental treatment.

A root canal procedure involves extracting the damaged nerve so that the infection does not spread further. It is normal for teeth to be capped after a root canal to provide extra strength to the tooth.

Dental Implants

If a crack is not handled, it can spread below the gum line. This suggests that the tooth is no longer functional and must be removed with a tooth extraction. A dental implant is a common alternative for replacing a missing tooth after an extraction. This broken tooth repair option is a relatively simple and painless procedure. Dental implant placement includes the prosthetic tooth placed in the jaw bone. As a result, patients are A dental crown is usually placed on top of the implant. Dental implants aren’t for everyone. Ask your dentist in Easton, PA, if dental implants are an option for your smile.

If you suspect your tooth is cracked or damaged, please contact our dental office right away to prevent more harm and infection. Our College Hill Dental Group team is happy to help with your dental needs. Give us a call today!

Are Implant-Supported Bridges Better?

Implant-supported bridges Easton PA

Are Implant-Supported Bridges Better?

Many individuals who have missing teeth in one or both jaws find removable dentures an inexpensive way to restore their smiles. But dentures are not always that easy to wear. Often they’re slipping when you try to eat or speak. A loose denture can bring down your self-confidence and prevent you from eating certain foods.

Removable dentures can also cause bone loss in your jaw over time by pulling down on the bone ridges that previously supported the teeth. Luckily, there’s a solution. Implant-supported dentures are a true game-changer. Below, our dentists in Easton, PA, share everything you need to know about implant-supported bridges. 

What Are Implant-Supported Dentures?

You might have heard of dental implants serving as life-like substitutes for individual missing teeth, and this is definitely of great benefit to those who still have many of their natural teeth. An excellent alternative is simply to put as few dental implants as two in the lower jaw to support your removable denture so that it does not become loose when worn. An implant-supported removable denture can—and should—still be removed for cleaning and maintenance.

How Do Implant-Supported Bridges Work?

Dental implants are tiny titanium posts that serve the same function as natural teeth roots. They anchor replacement teeth to your jawbone. Like natural tooth roots, they lie below the gum line and are thus not visible in the mouth.

Since titanium has a remarkable ability to fuse a living bone, your dental implants actually become part of your jawbone and help retain its volume and density—an significant factor for your health and appearance. When the denture is protected by implants, it does not crush the bone tissue in a damaging way, and it can stay in place when you chew, chat, and smile. This has a very positive influence on the quality of life.

Dr. Moghdam says that two implants are typically required to sustain a lower denture. However, every person’s smile is unique, so we will evaluate you and decide what works best. Our friend Dr. Jordan Smith, a restorative dentist in Georgetown, KY, agrees that the retention of the upper denture involves a higher number of implants, usually at least four, due to anatomical variations between the upper and lower jaws.

If you are still wearing a denture, we might be able to change it to become an implant-supported denture. Or we’re going to get a new one made for you.

What to Expect During & After Treatment

Dental implant surgery is a simple regular procedure performed in the dental office under local anesthesia in most cases. After the region is numbed, a sufficient number of implants will be positioned in your jaw at specifically designed angles and locations to optimize support and avoid anatomical structures such as nerves and sinuses.

Depending on how many implants you need, surgery will take anywhere from one to three hours. Most people recover with over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen.

After surgery, Dr. Moghadam will need to complete the process of fusing your dental implant. It takes at least six weeks to heal, but it’s different for everybody. Don’t worry. You will not be without your teeth during this recovery time.

So, you may wear a denture that is adjusted so that it does not overstress the implants. When healing is complete, we’ll show you how to mount your denture to the supporting implants. That way you can enjoy the protection of teeth that don’t move—and all the benefits that go along with them.

Visit Your Restorative Dentist in Easton, PA

Are you interested in implant-supported bridges? Schedule a consultation with Dr. Dave Moghadam today! We will evaluate your smile and your goals and set you up with a treatment plan. We also offer other restorative dentistry solutions. Just contact College Hill Dental Group today!