Utilize Your Dental Benefits Before They Expire At End of Year

The new year is nearly upon us! As the year 2020 draws to a close, so will your dental insurance benefits. Now is the time to take advantage of your dental benefits if you haven’t already.

If you haven’t been in to see your Easton PA dentist this year, we suggest making your dental appointment today. Dental cleanings and checkups are filling up fast! Not sure how you could take full advantage of your dental benefits? Here are some ways you can utilize your dental benefits before they expire. 

Maximize Your Dental Care

Without professional help from the Best Dentist College Hill PA, dental problems can get worse over time. So, it’s best to get a good understanding of which services are covered by your dental insurance plan. Typically, these benefits cover preventive dental treatment, such as x-rays, dental cleanings, and full mouth evaluation.

Note that if your full coverage benefits are not used by December 31st, you will lose those benefits completely. Yes, unfortunately, do not roll over to the next year. The good news is that you can still utilize your dental benefits until they run out. Make sure you use your dental benefits with Modern family dentistry Easton PA to avoid severe dental complications such as tooth decay. 

Our Dentist in College Hill PA is familiar with many dental insurance plans. We will help you maximize your benefits as best as possible. 

Do Not Put Off Your Dental Treatment

If you postpone the treatment Dr. Moghadam recommends, it can make the problem even worse. Dr. Green, an emergency dentist in Parker, CO, agrees that if the issue is not addressed when recommended, then it’ll likely be more costly to fix in the future.

According to the National Association of Dental Insurers, only 2.6 percent of individuals with dental insurance plans maximize their dental benefits.

Every year, patients miss out on dental treatment in Easton because they avoid seeing their dentist. Patients pay these dental insurance companies so that their preventative services are covered. Preventative dentistry includes dental cleanings, x-rays, fluoride treatments, and more. 

Our Dental Savings Plan

If you have not already used up your dental insurance coverage, now is the time to take advantage of the comprehensive dental treatments that you may need. This may be dental crowns, dental implants, wisdom teeth removal. 

If you are close to reaching your annual limit, College Hill Dental Group offers a Smile Protection Plan for patients in Easton, PA. This dental savings plan is similar to dental insurance. 

You can also consider starting treatment and finishing it in the new year when your benefits reset. If you are close to reaching your annual limit, College Hill Dental Group offers a Smile Protection Plan for patients in Easton, PA. This dental savings plan is similar to dental insurance. No dental insurance? Contact College Hill Dental Group to learn more. Schedule your appointment today!

Editor’s note: This post was originally published in December, 2020 and has been completely revamped and updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.