Easy Tips to Care for Your Dental Crowns
Dental crowns strengthen your natural teeth and protect them from additional damage. Additionally, crowns can restore your smile to be as good as new. Dental crowns are an extremely popular restorative dentistry treatment. They can actually last a long time with good care. In this article, Dr. Dave Moghadam, the best dentist in Easton, PA, shares tips to care for your dental crowns.
Maintain Healthy Habits
Most dental crowns have a lifespan of five to fifteen years. The longevity of your dental crown is determined by your oral health routine and habits. Keep in mind that permanent crowns, on the other hand, require less upkeep than temporary crowns. Dr. Dave recommends brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing daily, and using an antibacterial mouthwash. If you want to maintain good oral health, you must take care of your teeth!
Make Use of a Night Guards
If you’re a teeth grinder, you may want to get a nightguard to protect your teeth. This will protect your upper and lower teeth from coming into contact at night. Nightguards will be extremely helpful in keeping your dental crown in great shape.
Eliminate Bad Habits
Bad habits, such as chewing your nails or grinding your teeth, might cause the crown to loosen. Additionally, smoking can also create problems for your crown. Our friend, Dr. Beth Herko, the best dentist in New Providence, NJ, points out that your dental crown is more likely to change colors if you smoke. So, if you want your crown to stay looking natural, avoid all tobacco products.
Dealing with a Broken Crown
Chipping can be an issue with low-quality crowns. It is possible for porcelain-based dental crowns to deteriorate. To see if your dental crown is cracked, your dentist may use the best intraoral camera to get a better look at your tooth. Your dentist in Easton, PA, may be able to restore the crown in some circumstances. If you need same-day crowns in Easton, contact College Hill Dental Group!
Maintaining Contact with Your Easton Dentist
It is critical that you do not miss your monthly dental appointments, especially if you have crowns or implants. A dentist can detect and correct crown problems before they worsen and cost you additional money.
If you experience pain during chewing or biting, you should make an emergency dentistry appointment. The dentist will examine the area to determine the source of the problem. Most of the time, the pain is caused by a crown that is excessively high.
If this is the case, your Easton PA dentist will modify the crown’s shape and place. Sometimes glue washes out from behind the crown, allowing bacteria to enter and cause decay. The crown may also fall out if the dentist does not properly repair it. If this occurs, place the crown in a plastic bag and contact your dentist right away. You’ll need to get a new crown placed.
Now that you’ve learned the tips to care for your dental crowns, you can take the right steps to great oral health. If you are in need of dental services in Easton, PA, please contact College Hil Dental Group today!