National Brush Day

National Brush Day - College Hill Dental Group

Happy National Brush Day from Your Easton, PA Dentists

National Brush Day is observed each year on the 1st day of November, the day right after Halloween. Our patients will learn this is one of our favorite holidays to recognize. This spooky day is known for traditionally being the day where the most candy is consumed by children and adults alike. National Brush Day started in 2012 to bring awareness to both children and parents about just how poor dental health can take a serious toll on their overall health. 

At our Easton, PA dental practice, we love to see our patients with a healthy smile. National Brush Day serves as a great opportunity to schedule the annual checkup and professional dental cleaning for every member of the family. So, we’ve gathered these brushing tips to help keep every member of the family smiling beautifully.

Just Two Minutes, Twice a Day

Teeth should be brushed in the morning and in the evening before bed. It is important to brush teeth for a full two minutes. Any less is generally not effective enough to remove the plaque and food debris on and between the teeth. At College Hill Dental Group, we recommend using a timer to track the two minutes. Additionally, try playing fun songs about tooth brushing to encourage children to stick with those two minutes.

Your Brushing Technique is Important

So, are you using the right technique to brush your teeth? Believe it or not, many of us are not.

  • Hold the soft-bristled toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to your gums.
  • Using gentle and short strokes, move the brush back and forth.
  • Brush all surfaces of the teeth, including the inner, outer, and chewing surfaces.
  • Tilt the toothbrush vertically and use up and down strokes to clean the inside areas of teeth.
  • Also, be sure to brush your tongue as it can accumulate bacteria that contribute to bad breath.

Don’t forget that your home oral hygiene routine is just one part of your dental wellness. You will need to floss, use mouthwash, ensure your diet is balanced, stay hydrated, and of course, visit with your dentist every six months.

Selecting a New Toothbrush

What better day of the year to remind you that it is important to get a new toothbrush every few months. As your Easton, PA family dentist, we recommend that you select a soft-bristled toothbrush for every member of the family. Furthemore, children’s toothbrushes should be ultra-soft bristled and should be the right size for their mouths.

Ideally, Dr. Moghadam says you should replace your toothbrush every three months. Some prefer to wait to replace their brushes after their six-month checkup or professional cleaning. As your 18042 dentists, we do suggest that you replace your new toothbrush before the bristles start to show signs of wear. Our friends at Digital Doc, the #1 digital dental sensor provider, agrees that a damaged toothbrush is not going to be very effective at cleaning your teeth.

It is important to take care of dental concerns when they first become recognizable. The longer your dental problems go without being treated, the more likely you’ll end up visiting an emergency dentist in Easton, PA. So, schedule checkups and professional cleanings for the whole family with College Hill Dental Group today!