Tips for How to Prepare for Oral Surgery 

Oral surgery is any surgical treatment performed in or around your mouth and jaw, typically by a dental specialist who has been trained to undertake specific types of oral surgeries. Undergoing oral surgery can be a little scary at first. Don’t worry. You’re in great hands when you visit College Hill Dental Group! In this article, Dr. Dave Moghadam, the dentist Easton, PA, shares how to prepare for oral surgery. 

What The Types Of Oral Surgery?

Oral surgery encompasses a wide range of operations, including tooth extraction and root canal therapy. Some oral operations require jaw relocation. Additionally, oral surgery can be performed by a variety of dental experts, including endodontists, periodontists, and prosthodontists. It’s important that you see the best oral surgeon in your area. Do your research and meet with your doctor before agreeing to any treatment. You can always visit College Hill Dental Group in Easton, PA, if you need any second opinions.

Types of Oral Surgery

The following are some of the most common oral surgeries:

  • Tooth Extraction 
  • Impacted wisdom teeth
  • Gum Grafting
  • Dental Implants
  • Maxillofacial surgery 
  • Root canal therapy

When would I require oral surgery?

Oral surgery may be required for tooth and jaw procedures that are beyond the scope of a general dentist’s expertise. So, if you have impacted wisdom teeth, you may need to see an oral surgeon in Easton, PA, to have them removed. For those who have gum disease and need a gum graft, you will be directed to a periodontist who specializes in these types of oral operations.

So, if you require oral surgery, your Dr. Dave Moghadam will discuss the treatment process with you and get your oral surgery date booked. At College Hill Dental Group, we want to make sure you’re getting the best treatment plan possible. 

How to Prepare for Oral Surgery Treatment

Depending on the type of surgery, you’ll be instructed to prepare just like you would for any other serious medical operation. It’s important to note that it’s crucial for all patients to always follow their dentist’s instructions. Failure to do so may result in postponing the surgery. Below are a few tips on how to prepare for oral surgery:

  • Begin by ensuring that the place you’re returning to is clean and tidy, so you can be comfortable for at least a couple of days, if necessary.
  • Set up your bed so that you can sit at an angle if necessary.
  • Follow the pre-surgery instructions provided by your oral surgeon. Typically, you will be instructed not to eat or drink anything for 8-10 hours before your surgery. Our friend, Dr. Josh Eastham, a dentist Grand Junction, highly recommends asking for a list of recommended foods before surgery. That way, you are fully prepared before your treatment.
  • Additionally, if required, make arrangements for transportation back home. Consult your oral surgeon about the type of sedation you’ll be receiving. Some sleep dentistry can impair your ability to drive. You may be given a topical or local anesthetic depending on the type of oral surgery you are undergoing. Additionally, you’ll need someone to drive you home if you’re receiving an IV sedation. It never hurts to contact our office for any questions or concerns you may have about your procedure.

Important Parts of Oral Surgery Recovery?

Your recovery from oral surgery is a crucial part of treatment. Here are a few things to keep in mind for your post-oral surgery recovery. For more tips, read our blog Oral Surgery Recovery Tips.

  • Please do not smoke or drink alcohol after your oral surgery. This can cause serious problems. 
  • It is completely normal to experience swelling post-surgery. 
  • Use an ice pack or OTC medication to help with swelling. 
  • Avoid brushing your teeth as instructed.
  •  Rinse your mouth with salt water every other hour.  
  • Be kind to yourself. Depending on the type of oral surgery, recuperation time might range from 48 hours to one month. 
  • Make a follow-up appointment with your Easton PA dentist if necessary.

We hope this article will help you better prepare for your oral surgery. Furthermore, if you have any questions or concerns at all, please contact our dental office in Easton, PA. Our staff is more than happy to help.